Before your session:
Please arrive at least five minutes early to sign in and get settled. We recommend signing up for classes online to secure your spot (maximum 6 attendees per class).
Kindly avoid using mobile devices in the studio.
Keep voices low to maintain a peaceful atmosphere.
After using the reformers, please be sure to clean them up.
Familiarize yourself with our cancellation and class expiration policies.
Leave shoes at the designated area; classes are practiced in socks.
Avoid practicing on a full stomach and stay hydrated.
Please refrain from using strong scents in the studio.
We strongly advise against wearing jewellery.

During your session:
Classes start promptly, and latecomers will be admitted only in exceptional cases.
If you need to leave early, please notify your instructor in advance.
Turn off your phones upon entering the studio.
If you are new to Pilates, have an injury, or any limitations, inform the instructor before the class. We will assist you accordingly.
If you prefer no hands-on adjustments, please inform the teacher before class.
Honour your body and stay attuned to its signals. Push yourself within your limits, move at your comfortable pace, and take breaks as necessary.

